I claim nothing.
I claim knowing that which is truth.
I come.
I come to serve.
As a beacon of light from I AM.
I come for Love.
I come to give Love.
I vacillate.
I come to give Love.
Irresolute with self filled frustration.
For I received the Fathers gifts.
For we are the light.
For growth in Spirit...
This to learn and realize.
The Light is a multitude of colors.
The, light is the ONE.
The, I AM
As in You,
Is the I AM.
Do you realize ?
I claim Nothing.
I give you my Love to Spark your Divine Light for Knowing.
I claim Nothing.
Only my Love, extended in the Grid.
For Truth is opinion.
Knowing is your Truth.
You claim Nothing.
You claim Life, yet you claim Nothing.
You Love.
I Love.
I AM Love.
The ONE Light is Love.
And we manifest, that which is perceived reality on this sphere.
The Glory is upon you.
The Glory is upon me.
How will you allow that which is not known ?
The Light is Love.
The Light is the I AM.
The Light is, Your I am.
You manifest that which is in your Heart and Mind.
Your Personification an abstraction in human form.
Come to the Light, and Love the Joy in Knowing.
Come to the Light, Love and embrace your transition.
The animated ones will have their turn, in your Knowing one day.
Fear Not for you are, my I am to human perception.
The Light is a multitude of colors.
This is the reality of the Light.
Light is Love.
Light is the I AM made manifest in You.
I am made manifest.
I claim nothing.
I claim Love for you.
For you, I Am by your side.